How a Junk-Food Splurge Can Change Your Brain ActivityFive days of indulging in chocolate bars, crisps and other junk foods can lead to lingering changes in brain activity, a study shows1. The resulting brain patterns are similar to those seen in people who have obesity.
A Plane Just Achieved Supersonic Flight Without the Sonic BoomOn November 26, 2003, the plane that was once heralded as the future of aviation—the Concorde—took its final flight to Bristol, U.K.
Do Dogs Hate Daylight Saving Time Too?Your dog might seem just as grumpy about the time change as you are—but scientists actually studied their responses.
How Close Are Scientists to Producing Artificial Blood?Clinical trials from the UK to Japan are exploring man-made substitutes for blood.
How the Brain Decides Whether to Persist — and When to Give UpWhether mice persist with a task, explore new options or give up comes down to the activity of three types of neuron in the brain.
Study: The ozone hole is healing, thanks to global reduction of CFCsA new MIT-led study confirms that the Antarctic ozone layer is healing, as a direct result of global efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances. Scientists including the MIT team have observed signs of ozone recovery in the past.
The Tiny Star Explosions Powering Moore’s LawThat connection emerged several years ago in a series of conversations between myself, Jayson Stewart, and my grandfather Rudolf Schultz. My grandfather was an avid amateur sky gazer who kept a large reflector telescope in the foyer of his home, right by the entrance, ready for rapid deployment.
What do people see when they’re tripping?: 5 Questions for neuroscientist Sean NoahThe existence of synesthesia blew Sean Noah’s mind the first time he learned about it in high school biology class.
Bacopa Is Trending as a Wonder Herb For Memory. Does It Live Up to The Hype?As I've grown older and experienced the vagaries of my ageing memory, I've often reflected on the possibility of a miracle cure that would rejuvenate it.
7 Freelance Remote Jobs That Pay Up To $15,000+ A Month In 2025By, Contributor. Rachel Wells is a writer who covers freelancing, AI, and remote work.
Your Consciousness Can Reach Back in Time to Shape the Past, a New Theory SuggestsIn grammar, we learn about the past, present, and future tenses from an early age. This shapes our understanding of time as a one-way arrow. Eggs break, but don’t un-break; we grow older, but never grow younger; you can form a snowman, but it will inevitably melt back into a pool of slush again.
The Verge looks back on SkypeIt may be difficult to believe in this time of Zoom, Google Meet, and Slack, but at one point, Skype was one of the primary ways to make contact with friends, family, and colleagues.
Yes, Shrimp MatterI left private equity to work on shrimp welfare. When I tell anyone this, they usually think I've lost my mind. I know the feeling — I’ve been there.
The Blood of Exceptionally Long-Lived People Suggests Crucial DifferencesCentenarians, once considered rare, have become commonplace. Indeed, they are the fastest-growing demographic group of the world's population, with numbers roughly doubling every ten years since the 1970s.
100-year-old heart drug made from foxglove may help 'dissolve' clumps of spreading cancer cellsBy breaking up clusters of cancer cells, an old heart drug called digoxin may help stop tumors from spreading to other organs, a small trial shows.