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10 Conservation and Biodiversity Organizations to Support

Discover and support these 10 organizations taking action to conserve our natural world and preserve biodiversity.

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Species are disappearing faster than ever before—and it’s because of humans. We’re destroying habitats and disrupting fragile ecosystems in a new wave of mass extinction that threatens Earth’s incredible biodiversity. That loss is sometimes overlooked in environmental discussions, as the focus rests on climate change. But our lives depend on the extraordinary variety of natural life around us.

To help slow this trend, turn to one of these 10 organizations below. They are just a few of the many working to protect the plants and animals that make up our world—from the colorful corals to the dense forests, from the largest whales to the smallest beetles. Donate to them, advocate with them, and learn from them.

Find even more environmental action inspiration in our How to Help the Planet collection, with advice on coexisting with creatures, making your wardrobe more sustainable, and more.

Image by Doug Stratton / EyeEm / Getty Images.

World Land Trust


World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats. Working through a network of partner organisations around the world, WLT funds the creation of reserves and provides permanent protection for habitats and wildlife.

Rewilding Europe


We want to demonstrate the benefits of wilder nature through the rewilding of diverse European landscapes, and to inspire and enable others to engage in rewilding by providing tools and practical expertise. With natural processes playing a vital role shaping landscapes, nature is fully capable of taking care of itself.

Southern Environmental Law Center


We are the Southern Environmental Law Center — the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan environmental legal advocacy organization rooted in and focused on the South. As lawyers, policy and issue experts, and community advocates and partners, we take on the toughest challenges to protect our air, water, land, wildlife, and the people who live here.



Maliasili exists to support high-potential local organizations to accelerate the benefits they bring to people, ecosystems, and climate change. Our mission is to accelerate community-based conservation through local organizations across Africa.



Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. We’re actively working to save our rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, worms to woodlice and jumping spiders to jellyfish.

Mossy Earth


The membership that restores our natural world. Together we implement high impact rewilding projects across a wide range of ecosystems.

American Rivers


For 50 years, American Rivers has been a leader in protecting and restoring rivers throughout the country. Our rivers are threatened by climate change, unnecessary dams, pollution, floods, and outdated policies. Perhaps the greatest threat to our rivers is simply lack of awareness of their importance to our lives.

The Wildlife Trusts


The Wildlife Trusts are a grassroots movement of people from a wide range of backgrounds and all walks of life, who believe that we need nature and nature needs us. There are 46 individual Wildlife Trusts, each of which is a place-based independent charity formed by people working to make a positive difference to wildlife and future generations, starting where they live and work.

American Bird Conservancy


American Bird Conservancy is dedicated to conserving wild birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. With an emphasis on achieving results and working in partnership, we take on the greatest problems facing birds today.

Ocean Conservancy


Ocean Conservancy is working with you to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together, we create evidence-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it.